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Services | Mirabilia





  • Content production
    We combine different areas of knowledge of our partners, journalists and marketing professionals to create the best content for strategic communication in several languages for your pitch deck, sales and...
  • Translation
    To translate from one language to another, we need to understand the techniques and cultural differences between the languages. The result is effective and accurate communication under the control of...
  • Revision
    We proofread the grammar and stylistics of the text - including agreement, collocations, punctuation, among others - ensuring the translation is cohesive and coherent. Grammar and spelling revision Stylistics revision...
  • Transcription
    We transcribe audio and/or video contents of meetings, lectures, courses, conferences, or a simple chat into text files. The final product not only allows for the partial publication of the...
  • Interpreting
    In this activity, one of the interlocutors speaks in a particular language for a short period. Then, our team of interpreters translates what was said to the language of the...
  • Layout
    In order to add a little extra to our services, we edit and create layouts, always taking into consideration the harmony and balance between text and image. The goal is...